Rebuilding Your Smile

A bridge is a multiple-tooth restoration that replaces one or two missing teeth at a time. Each end of the bridge serves as a functional crown, which is placed over healthy teeth adjacent to the missing ones. Between them, an artificial porcelain crown is suspended. The prosthetic tooth serves as a natural tooth in both function as well as appearance.

Dangers of Missing Teeth

Missing teeth do not simply interfere with the aesthetics of a smile; they also impact its function. Having an open space due to tooth loss will allow other teeth in the mouth to drift out of place. In turn, this leads to complications like:

  • Worn, chipped teeth
  • Broken crowns and fillings
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay

Your Treatment

Placing a bridge typically requires two separate appointments to complete. During the first visit, we will prepare the supporting teeth and then take an impression. The impression is sent to our lab, where a custom prosthesis is created to match your smile as closely as possible. Then, about two weeks later, you will return for us to bond the bridge permanently into place.

Implant Supported Option

Bridges can also be anchored on top of dental implants. Each end of the bridge is supported by an implant, allowing us to replace up to 3 or 4 teeth at once. This eliminates the need for you to wear a removable prosthesis, such as a partial denture.

Find out whether or not a bridge is right for you, by scheduling a visit with Dr. Dumitru or Dr. Harris at Virgin Valley Dental today. Most insurances are accepted!

We are here to offer a full menu of restorative services. If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (702) 346-3880.